Monday, November 4, 2013

Construction Schedule

Hello again Everyone,

Water main construction has been progressing and it is about time for another update.  The two water main crews have finished up along 15th St, all the way from Ironwood SW on the west end to CR 700 W on the east end.  They have also finished up in the Iron Lake Estates subdivision.  Please check out the updated project map below.

Both water main crews will be finishing up the last of the main in Section 4 over this week and into the following week.  If all goes smoothly the first crew expects to be working in Section 3B by next week.  Then the following week the second crew expects to be working there as well.  They will be busy there through the end of the month. 

After that, one of the crews is planning to spend the first week of December in Harvest View (Section 6). 

Once all of the other water main is done both crews will move to Rolling Meadows (Section 7), where they plan to finish out the year. 

The third crew will continue following behind the other two.  They will be installing water services and doing whatever restoration work the weather will allow. 

Many residents have been and continue to hook up to the system.  All sections that have been completed are now active, with the exception of Iron Lake Estates (Section 8).  Flushing and bacteriological testing in that subdivision should take place within the next two weeks. 

As always, everyone involved with this project cannot thank all of the residents enough for your continued patience.  Check back soon for another update. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Progress Update

Hello once again everyone,

Another busy month of construction is complete. There is not too much new information to report since the last update, but that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been lots of work getting done.  Crews are still making their way through Section 8 (Iron Lake Estates).  They will be busy there for a couple of weeks still.  Once Section 8 is complete the tentative plan is to have them get the water main along 15th St finished, then eventually move to the last part of Section 3 (south of the rail road tracks and west of Halleck). 

The number one concern that people have been expressing is the quality of their lawns after the initial restoration.  These concerns are not going unnoticed and we have been working with the Contractor to make sure they are addressed in a timely manner.  The Contractor is being cooperative and is going to go back and readdress the problem areas.  Watering and regular mowing and maintenance of the areas in front of your home will help expedite the growth.  It is expected there will be some weeds that pop up, but they are annual weeds that will eventually die.  Mowing the weeds so that they don’t overtake the grass sprouts will help as well.  Those especially bad areas will be addressed by a professional lawn care subcontractor too.  There is probably a good month and a half of good growing left this year that we plan to take advantage of. 

Many residents have been busy hooking up to the water main in sections that are already complete.  Just as a reminder, when the water is available in your area you will receive a letter from the Town.  Until you have received that letter you should not schedule any work with your contractor of choice.  It would, however, still be a good idea to get in touch with a few contractors and shop around pricing while you are waiting for your letter. 

The map I uploaded last time is still up to date, but I have included it again for you.
Thank you all very much again for your continued patience.  And as always keep checking back for more updates. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Progress Update

Hello once again everyone,

There has been a fair amount of progress since my last update.  The biggest news is that crews have now completed construction in Section 10.  They still have a small amount of miscellaneous cleanup there, but all water main, water services, and nearly all restoration is done.  They also wrapped up the last of their work in Section 5 on north 8th Avenue. 

You probably have noticed the crews working on the south side of Town, on either side of State Route 10 in the last week.  The reason they are over there is that where ever the main crosses the State Route they have to install a steel casing around the water main, so they will be getting all of those installed now, while their subcontractor is available.  They should be done with all of them by the middle of next week. 

Their next goal is to wrap up some work that was recently added in Section 9.  They have extensions on Hickory NW, Dogwood NW, and just north of W Division as well.  Once these short runs are each complete they will head back to Section 8, where the crews left off over last winter. 

From there they will most likely wrap up Section 3 then work their way to Section 7.  I have updated the Project Map for your reference below.


For those residents who have signed up and are in areas now complete, be sure to check your mail for information from the Town on when water will be available and when you should schedule the work for making your connection.  Those who haven’t yet received a letter feel free to contact a few contractors and get an idea of what to expect, but please do be aware that some of the contractors are seeing high demands and are quite busy. 

I have heard there are some of you who have already made arrangements with a contractor but are finding they are having trouble fitting you into their schedule before the deadline stated in your letter.  If this situation describes you please contact the Town Hall and make them aware of your predicament and they should be able to help you.

As always, thank you all very much for the continued patience and understanding as construction progresses.  And please keep checking back here for more updates.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Progress Update

Hello again Everyone,
There has not been to much to report since my last update.  Contracts A and C, for the Treatment Plant and Elevated Storage Tank, respectively, are both now complete. 
The water main contracts are moving along too.  There are the few areas in the north west quadrant that the crews have yet to come back to, those being Hickory St south of 4th, Hickory St north of 6th, and Dogwood north of 6th. 
Starting next Monday there will be some road closures as they jack steel casing under the rail road tracks at Birch SW and also across Halleck St at 8th NE and 6th SW.  These closures will last a week or so each, detours will be posted for you to follow in the meantime. 
The water main has now all been installed and pressure tested in Section 10.  There will be crews still working there over the next few weeks as the finish up water service instillation and restoration work. 
The next sections of main to be completed are scattered around Town.  Once their casings are installed they will work on the remainder of the water main in Sections 4, 5, and 8.  Once those Sections are wrapped up they will continue into Section 3.  As usual, here is the map for your reference. 

The water main in the area closest to the Tower (Sections 1 and 3) has passed bacteriological testing as is sterile and ready for users to begin using water.  The next sections to be tested will be the north east portion of Town followed by the two elementary schools.  Residents who are unsure if they are included in these areas should be aware that if you have not received a letter you don't have to worry about anything just yet. 

As always, thank you very much for all of your understanding and patience. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Progress Update

Hello again

As some of the observant residents may have noticed we have indeed begun pumping water.  All this week we have been working on flushing out the lines between the Tower and the Well Plant.  Flushing and bacteriological testing will continue into next week.  Our hope is that within a few weeks we will be sterilizing the Tower.  This means that in the near future we are expecting to have water available to the first section. 

Those residents south of Division, east of Halleck St and north of the rail road tracks (or 8th St SE)will be receiving letters letting them know it is time to have your chosen plumber and excavator begin working.  There will be a grace / instillation period during which those residents will have make their connections, and after which regular billing will begin.  After everyone in the first section is hooked up we will begin flushing and testing the next sections one at a time.  And again residents will receive a letter telling them to proceed with water line instillation.  In any case, please just hang tight until you receive a letter, and if you have not yet received a letter you need not worry. 

On Contracts B and B1: Restoration is still progressing in Section 9.  This week and next concrete work will be the crew's main focus.  As residents call and have smaller, miscellaneous clean up type items I have been adding them to a list.  These items are being addressed as time allows; there are a number of them and they do take time.  We ask for your continued patience; you are not and will not be forgotten. 

Another crew is still working in Section 10.  7th Street, Golden Rain, Fir, and part of Dogwood all remain to be done and will be installed in the coming weeks.  The only water main in this section that has been pressure tested so far is Almond.  So as more streets are installed expect to see pressure testing and eventually the instillation of everyones' domestic services.  The last map I uploaded is still applicable, but I have included it again for your convenience. 

As I previously mentioned, 8th St (the last bit in Section 5) and Ironwood Lake (Section 8) are the next areas that will be tackled. 

As always, I thank everyone for all of your patience. 

Check back soon

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Constrution Update

Hello everyone,

Just a quick update on whats new with the project.  The hope is that by then end of next week we will begin flushing the lines from the Treatment Plant to the Tower.  As the flushing and bacteriological testing progresses we will eventually be ready to have the first users connect to the system and begin using the water.  The hook-up process will be coordinated with those users in the area, the plumbers, and the inspection personnel once we are ready.  In the mean time, it is not a bad idea to get a list of plumbers from Town Hall and familiarize yourself with a few of the plumbers.  This way they know what their work load will look like and you will have an idea of the associated costs. 

The restoration work is progressing quickly.  By the end of this week all of the paving and nearly all of the seeding work should be done in the northwest quadrant.  There will still be some miscellaneous items (yard sprinkler systems in particular) to be done.  All of the concrete work (curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways) will be the next big item to tackle; you can expect that work to be under way within two to three weeks. 

Other than that, progress is continuing just the same as the last map showed.  Here is the map again for your reference.

As always, thank you for everyones' continued patience and check back soon.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Project Update

Hello again everyone,

Things have been moving right along since my last post and I wanted to keep everyone up to date.  So without further ado

Contract C, Tower: The majority of the electric work has now been completed.  We are waiting on NIPSCO to set up the electric meter for the service, which will hopefully be installed by next Monday at the latest.  After that we should be able to begin flushing lines shortly there after, and eventually sterilizing the elevated storage tank.  There are still some minor site work jobs like parking areas, seeding, and fencing.  Those jobs will be taken care of in the coming weeks as well.

Contract A, Treatment Plant:  There is only about a week's worth of work left at the Treatment Plant.  There are some finishing touches for the pump controls and sterilization of well lines.  Again, once there is power at the Tower the Plant crew can come in and wrap up what they need to in order to begin flushing lines from there to the Tower. 

Contract B and B1, Water Main: The crews had been focusing most of their efforts on the northwest quadrant of Town and have now nearly completed that section.  There is still some restoration work and a few services to install in this section.  An entire crew is now being dedicated to catching up on all the restoration work that was delayed over the winter months.  As the weather warms up expect to see concrete, asphalt and seeding work to take place, over the next month or so.  We would like to express our gratitude to all those homeowners who have been patient as the restoration work progresses.  And those who are starting to lose hope, hang in there!  We haven't forgotten about all the sprinklers and yards that people are getting anxious to care for as spring breaks here.

As you may have already noticed, the area west of Town from W. Division to the rail road tracks is the next area where their efforts are being concentrated.  Additionally the last section 5 is going to be an area of focus over the next couple of weeks.  The north portion of section 4 and the remainder of section 8 will also be tackled in the not too distant future.   

As completed sections are flushed and tested to be sure they are sterile the first users will be asked to start hooking up to the system.  The areas will be made clear and we will be sure to coordinate with the users, contractors, and Town staff to make the process as painless and smooth as can be.  So far things are continuing to go well and as always your continued cooperation is much appreciated. 

Check back soon!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Progress Update

Hello again All,

Today's update will be a brief one.  There has not been any work at the Tower since the previous update.  The controls at the Plant are on site installation will take place over the next two weeks.  Once instillation is complete it will allow the other contractors to begin flushing the water main and the Tower.  So don't be surprised when you see water being flushed through the hydrants throughout Town.  It is expected that we will have the first sections ready and that water will be available to the first users within a month or two. 

The map shown below is the same one posted with the last update.  The northwest quadrant of Town is still the primary area of focus. The remainder of this week and the early part of next week services will be installed in Ironwood Estates as well as Birch Street.  Cedar Street is on hold for a couple of weeks while we wait on NIPSCO to relocate a gas main along that street.  For those residents in the northwest quadrant, we ask that you understand the restoration work is weather dependent.  Your driveways, sidewalks, lawns and anything else that has been disturbed will be replaced as soon as it can be, but this may not be for a month or more yet. 

We thank everyone for their continued patience and understanding as we progress.  If you do come across an area that you believe poses a safety concern do not hesitate to bring it to my attention. 

Thank you for your interest and please check back soon

Monday, February 4, 2013

Project Update

Hello once again everyone,

It has been a little while since my last update, so I will go ahead share the latest with the project.

On Contract A, the well field and treatment plant, most of the work is complete and we are very close to being able to run water.  The filtration and process piping are now complete.  We are now waiting on the control panel which operates the high service pumps to be delivered and installed.  Once it has been we should be able to flush the lines, take our bacteriological tests and start allowing the first users to actually hook up.  Our best estimate for when the first users can receive water is sometime in March. At this point we are well ahead of schedule, as the due date for this contract is not until the summer. 

On Contracts B and B1, the water main, progress is constantly being made.  I have updated the map for every one's reference.  You can go ahead and click on it to zoom in if you like.

I have highlighted completed sections in blue, and the yellow indicates where they will be working for the next few weeks.  We had originally expected not to start work in section 9 until further towards the end of the project, but for various reasons it seems to be the best area to be working now.  Progress has been made in sections 3, 4, 5, and 8 but there is still a bit more to be done in each of those areas.  These will be put on the back burner for now, and we will come back to them once the asphalt mixing plant is out of hibernation in the spring.  In section 9 we have staked out some of the main line but not any one's individual service locations yet.  Once those services have been staked you will get a short letter on you door.  At that point you should review the location and follow the instructions if you need the location changed.  Until you have received a letter there isn't much to worry about as far as your individual services.  Feel free to look at the stakes to get an idea of whats going to be put in your area, but we would like to ask that they not be tampered with. 
On Contract C, the Tower, work is for the most part complete.  There are still some less-major items (fencing, lighting, and site work) to be done, but at this point there is no rush on them. 
For those who have been inquiring about the service hook up training class that will be offered: the first class is this Thursday the 7th in the evening and a second class is being offered Saturday the 9th in the morning.  Please contact the Town Hall for more details if you'd like.  Once these first classes have been held a list of attendees can be made available to anyone looking for a place to start looking for a contractor and/or plumber to make their hook up connection.  At this point we are not sure if additional classes will be offered; we will base that decision on demand.  If you would like to go and are available to attend we ask that you do so now rather than wait. 
As always, thank you all for checking in and for working with us.