Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winter Schedule

Hello again everyone,

In the last progress update the winter schedule for the water main contracts was still up in the air.  Since then, the contractor has decided that the areas highlighted in yellow would be good sections to tackle.  One section is the east most portion of #3, north of the rail road tracks and east of Daisy.  The other is #8, south of the tracks and east of Begonia.  It is anticipated that between these two sections and assuming some bad weather at one point or another, this should be enough work to last through the winter.  As these sections near completion we will keep everyone updated as to where they will go next.

Thank you everyone for stopping by again, be sure to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pictures from the Best View In Town (post 2 of 2)

Here are just a few more pictures.

Looking north west at Spencer Park and Town Hall

Looking straight down from the access hatch in the side of the tower!
Thank you, as always, for your interest.

Pictures from the Best View In Town (post 1 of 2)

Hello again everyone,

So here are the pictures I mentioned. These were taken yesterday (12-4) from on top of and inside the tower. Click on the pictures for a full size view and check the captions for a brief description. Enjoy
Looking north from Town Hall to Creek Side Commons subdivision

Looking west along Halleck St

Looking west at Spencer Park
Looking up inside the bowl of the tower (where water will be held)


Progress Update

Hello again everyone,

I hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving and is excited for the holiday season.  There has been a lot of progress since the last schedule update and things are going well. 

Contract A: The treatment plant building itself is complete except for some minor finishing such as painting.  The three wells are ready to pump water.  Bacteria tests from each of the wells have been submitted and we are currently awaiting results.  The instillation of the process piping within the plant is underway but it is not anticipated to be complete until mid January. 

Contract B/B1: The updated the progress map below shows all of the water main that has been installed so far.  Approximately one third of the water main has already been installed.  As I have previously mentioned, they contractor hopes to continue working through the winter so long as the weather cooperates.  Over the next month they will be working south Birch St SW from 9th St to 15th St, as well as north on Almond St NW from 3rd St to 6th.  After these sections are completed (they will be worked on simultaneously) they have not decided where they will work next.  It is worth mentioning that whatever areas they choose next will be areas where the main is to be installed under grass parkway, so sections that have the main under pavement will be postponed until spring.  The reason for this is that the plant which makes hot mix asphalt closes over the winter, so the roads would not be paved until spring. 

Contract C: The tower is complete! The next time you are driving down Halleck St or enjoying Spencer Park be sure to have a look.  There is still some minor site work to be done, and the Tower has to be sterilized before put in use.  I will post some pictures I took from the very top of the tower yesterday as soon as they are downloaded. 

The NORWEJ board has made a decision on which meters to go with: they have chosen a no-lead brass bodied Neptune meter.  A decision has been made to offer a monthly training class for plumbers and contractors who are interested in helping homeowners connect to the water system.  The first of these classes will be offered sometime in January.  Once all of the details for the class are worked out more information will be made available.  There will be a public list of those who have completed the training class to help homeowners made an informed decision when choosing who they want to do their work. 

As things are looking now, the first users should expect to have water available in late February to early March.  And subsequent sections will be turned on as they are completed. 

Thank you all again for working with us and understanding.  And be sure to check back real soon for the pictures!