Monday, February 4, 2013

Project Update

Hello once again everyone,

It has been a little while since my last update, so I will go ahead share the latest with the project.

On Contract A, the well field and treatment plant, most of the work is complete and we are very close to being able to run water.  The filtration and process piping are now complete.  We are now waiting on the control panel which operates the high service pumps to be delivered and installed.  Once it has been we should be able to flush the lines, take our bacteriological tests and start allowing the first users to actually hook up.  Our best estimate for when the first users can receive water is sometime in March. At this point we are well ahead of schedule, as the due date for this contract is not until the summer. 

On Contracts B and B1, the water main, progress is constantly being made.  I have updated the map for every one's reference.  You can go ahead and click on it to zoom in if you like.

I have highlighted completed sections in blue, and the yellow indicates where they will be working for the next few weeks.  We had originally expected not to start work in section 9 until further towards the end of the project, but for various reasons it seems to be the best area to be working now.  Progress has been made in sections 3, 4, 5, and 8 but there is still a bit more to be done in each of those areas.  These will be put on the back burner for now, and we will come back to them once the asphalt mixing plant is out of hibernation in the spring.  In section 9 we have staked out some of the main line but not any one's individual service locations yet.  Once those services have been staked you will get a short letter on you door.  At that point you should review the location and follow the instructions if you need the location changed.  Until you have received a letter there isn't much to worry about as far as your individual services.  Feel free to look at the stakes to get an idea of whats going to be put in your area, but we would like to ask that they not be tampered with. 
On Contract C, the Tower, work is for the most part complete.  There are still some less-major items (fencing, lighting, and site work) to be done, but at this point there is no rush on them. 
For those who have been inquiring about the service hook up training class that will be offered: the first class is this Thursday the 7th in the evening and a second class is being offered Saturday the 9th in the morning.  Please contact the Town Hall for more details if you'd like.  Once these first classes have been held a list of attendees can be made available to anyone looking for a place to start looking for a contractor and/or plumber to make their hook up connection.  At this point we are not sure if additional classes will be offered; we will base that decision on demand.  If you would like to go and are available to attend we ask that you do so now rather than wait. 
As always, thank you all for checking in and for working with us.  

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