Hello again All,
Today's update will be a brief one. There has not been any work at the Tower since the previous update. The controls at the Plant are on site installation will take place over the next two weeks. Once instillation is complete it will allow the other contractors to begin flushing the water main and the Tower. So don't be surprised when you see water being flushed through the hydrants throughout Town. It is expected that we will have the first sections ready and that water will be available to the first users within a month or two.
The map shown below is the same one posted with the last update. The northwest quadrant of Town is still the primary area of focus. The remainder of this week and the early part of next week services will be installed in Ironwood Estates as well as Birch Street. Cedar Street is on hold for a couple of weeks while we wait on NIPSCO to relocate a gas main along that street. For those residents in the northwest quadrant, we ask that you understand the restoration work is weather dependent. Your driveways, sidewalks, lawns and anything else that has been disturbed will be replaced as soon as it can be, but this may not be for a month or more yet.
We thank everyone for their continued patience and understanding as we progress. If you do come across an area that you believe poses a safety concern do not hesitate to bring it to my attention.
Thank you for your interest and please check back soon
Rock on. Can't wait to have good water :D