Friday, April 11, 2014

Construction Update

Hello once again Everyone,

It is once again time for an overdue update for everyone. Things have been moving very quickly over the last month, and we have finally entered the home stretch for water main construction. By the end of the day today all of the initial 120,000+ feet of water main will be installed except one small area of about 200 feet.

Starting next week one construction crew will be working on installing the last of the water services in sections 3B and 7 (see map below). They should be finished up in around two weeks or less. Once done they will move to restoration, working alongside the second crew.

The second restoration crew returned at the beginning of this week. Concrete work is their first area of focus (driveways, curb and gutter, and sidewalks). They have completed concrete work in section 3B already, and they will continue working in sections 4, 6, and then 7 until they have all of their concrete complete. Their next area of focus will be asphalt work. They will follow a similar order with that work, starting in section 3B then heading to sections 4, 6 and finally finishing in section 7. Once that work is complete they will finish up by addressing everyone's yards.

All together the majority of the restoration is expected to take over one month yet. There will be some smaller loose ends and punch list items that will continue to be addressed after that.

The work completed under Contract B1 (sections 9 and 10) has for the most part been done since the end of last summer. The punch list items in those sections are still being addressed. We do expect those remaining loose ends to be wrapped up in the coming weeks.
For those of you who have signed up for water and have not yet received your letters to hookup (this would be parts of section 3B and all of section 7) please continue to hang tight. We still have to install your services and do the testing and flushing, but by the end of the month you should get your letters. 
Everyone involved with this project cannot thank you, the residents, enough for all of your continued patience and tolerance. And those of you that are at your wits' end, don't worry completion is in sight!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Construction Update

Hello again Everyone,

Not too much has changed since my last post.  This is mostly due to the bad weather preventing the construction crews from doing their job.  If the nice weather sticks around (fingers crossed) they should be able to get a lot of work done in the coming weeks though. 

Both water main crews are continuing to progress south on Juniper and Ironwood Streets in the Rolling Meadows subdivision.  Once complete they will just have 21st St and Kapok St to complete in Rolling Meadows, which they will start on immediately. 

NIPSCO has a subcontractor, Infrasource, working on relocating the gas main at Dogwood and 10th St.  They hope to be wrapping their work up in time for the water main crews to jump over there as soon as Rolling Meadows is complete. 

I have attached the map as always, but there haven't been any changes since the last post. 

Thank you for checking in and for your support. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Construction Update

Hello again everyone,
First, my apologies for the extra-long delay since my last update. 
As the observant of you will have noticed, construction is continuing through the winter months, slowly but surely.  For short periods when the weather is particularly bad (a few days here and there) expect that construction crews will take a break.  That being said, they still do plan to continue working whenever possible.  More importantly, this means that they still do plan to complete underground pipe installation before the end of this winter. 
As you can see in the updated construction map below, there are only two sections where water main instillation is not yet complete.
Those residents in Section 7 (Rolling Meadows) can expect somewhere around three or four weeks before water main instillation is complete (subject to weather delays). 
Section 3B is about half way complete.  Water main has not yet been installed on 10th St, Dogwood St, and Elm St SW.  We are waiting on a NIPSCO gas main to be relocated along 10th St before completing work in this section.  NIPSCO has been scheduled to finish their work since the beginning of the new year, but they are experiencing weather related delays with their crews.  Our expectation is that by the time water main instillation is finished in Section 7 NIPSCO will complete their work in Section 3B.  
In addition to Sections 7 and 3B there are also a few water services that have to be installed in Section 6.  This work is expected to be finished by the end of winter too. 
As I had previously mentioned the bulk of the restoration work (topsoil, seeding, asphalt patching, and concrete patching) will have to be postponed until weather allows.  This will be sometime in the spring. 
Just as a reminder, the NORWEJ Board meetings have been changed to the fourth Monday of the month, at 6:00 PM, before the Town Board meeting.  They are open to the public, but if you do have a specific topic you would like discussed please contact the Town Hall beforehand to verify it can be added to the meeting agenda. 
As always, thank you for your patience and cooperation as construction moves to the final stretch.  Check back soon