Friday, May 24, 2013

Progress Update

Hello again

As some of the observant residents may have noticed we have indeed begun pumping water.  All this week we have been working on flushing out the lines between the Tower and the Well Plant.  Flushing and bacteriological testing will continue into next week.  Our hope is that within a few weeks we will be sterilizing the Tower.  This means that in the near future we are expecting to have water available to the first section. 

Those residents south of Division, east of Halleck St and north of the rail road tracks (or 8th St SE)will be receiving letters letting them know it is time to have your chosen plumber and excavator begin working.  There will be a grace / instillation period during which those residents will have make their connections, and after which regular billing will begin.  After everyone in the first section is hooked up we will begin flushing and testing the next sections one at a time.  And again residents will receive a letter telling them to proceed with water line instillation.  In any case, please just hang tight until you receive a letter, and if you have not yet received a letter you need not worry. 

On Contracts B and B1: Restoration is still progressing in Section 9.  This week and next concrete work will be the crew's main focus.  As residents call and have smaller, miscellaneous clean up type items I have been adding them to a list.  These items are being addressed as time allows; there are a number of them and they do take time.  We ask for your continued patience; you are not and will not be forgotten. 

Another crew is still working in Section 10.  7th Street, Golden Rain, Fir, and part of Dogwood all remain to be done and will be installed in the coming weeks.  The only water main in this section that has been pressure tested so far is Almond.  So as more streets are installed expect to see pressure testing and eventually the instillation of everyones' domestic services.  The last map I uploaded is still applicable, but I have included it again for your convenience. 

As I previously mentioned, 8th St (the last bit in Section 5) and Ironwood Lake (Section 8) are the next areas that will be tackled. 

As always, I thank everyone for all of your patience. 

Check back soon

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Constrution Update

Hello everyone,

Just a quick update on whats new with the project.  The hope is that by then end of next week we will begin flushing the lines from the Treatment Plant to the Tower.  As the flushing and bacteriological testing progresses we will eventually be ready to have the first users connect to the system and begin using the water.  The hook-up process will be coordinated with those users in the area, the plumbers, and the inspection personnel once we are ready.  In the mean time, it is not a bad idea to get a list of plumbers from Town Hall and familiarize yourself with a few of the plumbers.  This way they know what their work load will look like and you will have an idea of the associated costs. 

The restoration work is progressing quickly.  By the end of this week all of the paving and nearly all of the seeding work should be done in the northwest quadrant.  There will still be some miscellaneous items (yard sprinkler systems in particular) to be done.  All of the concrete work (curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways) will be the next big item to tackle; you can expect that work to be under way within two to three weeks. 

Other than that, progress is continuing just the same as the last map showed.  Here is the map again for your reference.

As always, thank you for everyones' continued patience and check back soon.